
2007年5月6日 星期日

Rita Feasts

說真的,這次燒的菜還有需改善之處,較不滿意的是配菜的顏色,與裝盤的方式。Endive (即 Chicory) 在烤過後顏色太 pale,蘑菇又太 brown ;還有那張膠檯布,真是大煞風景。


哎,我還未結婚呢。I'm still available. 上面最後那句只是有感而發罷了。


Rita Feasts

There is a TV programme called Nigella Feasts, by Nigella Lawson. So why can't there be Rita Feasts?

Well, maybe it's not a feast to you, but I really want to show you what I'm cooking recently:

On St. Valentine's Day, 2007:

No no no, don't read my palm. Just want to show you the size of the prawns... they cost me HK$125 (for two).

The trimmed prawns… I always like my prawns or shrimps neat, without the dangerous “sword” or the messy “legs”.

USA Super Prime Rib Eye Steak. I divided it into two (as my stomach is so small). (Yet, I still couldn't finish the whole dish finally.) The whole piece costs HK $205.

Marinate it with mixed peppers (black, white & pink peppers), spice & herbs... Salt will be added just before cooking. Coarse salt should be used, dear.

Because of time... 由於時間關係,suddenly, the dinner is done. ^_^

This is the appetizer, Fresh Mozzerella Cheese with Belgian Tomatoes & Italian Basil. Why Belgian Tomatoes instead of Italian Plum Tomatoes? Well, because I couldn't find the Italian ones in CitySuper... -_-'

The pasta is a spinach one. It's spinach, not spanish, man. 菠菜呀。 The whole name of that pasta product is so long, so forget it. What I've made is Spinach Pasta with Creamy Cheesy Mushroom Sauce & Parma Ham. The sauce is made by me, with roux method. 真係自己整o既白汁o黎o架~

Well... the red wine here is from California, very cheap, HK $45 each. I am not a wine expert. I just picked it up in Park'nShop, by chance.

The main course... USA Super Prime Rib Eye Steak with Tiger Prawn. The veg here is sauteed mushrooms & baked endive. The sauce is with garlic, onion & parsley.

What if you can't finish all the food? The photo above is what I had made in the next morning. On a piece of country bread, spread on tomato paste (here I've used tomato paste & pesto as well), top with tomato slices, mozzarella cheese and the basil leaves, and bake for several minutes. Yum...

I didn't have enough time to make the dessert. This is what I've made tonight (15/2):

Gateau aux Chocolat... that is, chocolate cake.

This is not too sweet, with a crunchy top but a soft and moist interior. What a nice dessert...

Look at its structure here...

I am willing to bake one for you guys. Do you want to marry me? ;^> There's still a chance, hahaha...

Kung Hei Fat Choi, Happy Lunar New Year!!


(在相片上加上那些字句,並非本人高傲,只是太討厭有些人隨便拿別人的著作當作自己的作品啦... 以前遇上太多這種人了。)


With love,



我是海豚公主 Rita ^_^~~*,正牌的。如果,我的作品與文章叫你期待,我的目標已達到了一半啦。^_^ v


Copyright © 2007 Rita Ho.  All rights reserved.

海豚公主的早班火車The Morning Train of Princess Dolphin Rita

烹飪 烹調  飲食  煮食  cooking  food drink 食物  home cooking  DIY  美食    營養  健康  養生  豬德  JuDuck  烘焙 


2 則留言:

  1. Nigella Lawson 都唔夠你勁!



  2. 嘩~ Nigella 都o黎留言?係真唔係真呀?


