來源: 《蘋果日報》
橫 越 3 條 行 車 線
狗 英 雄 冒 死 救 同 伴
奧 地 利 有 研 究 指 出 , 狗 狗 會 妒 忌 其 他 獲 主 人 善 待 的 狗 隻 , 但 智 利 一 頭 流 浪 狗 , 冒 死 橫 越 三 條 行 車 線 , 為 的 是 拖 走 遭 汽 車 撞 擊 輾 過 的 狗 狗 。 義 犬 救 狗 的 片 段 播 出 後 , 感 動 觀 眾 , 封 牠 為 無 名 狗 英 雄 。
上 周 四 , 智 利 一 隻 狗 狗 在 韋 斯 普 西 奧 諾 特 高 速 公 路 ( Vespucio Norte ) 過 馬 路 , 遭 汽 車 撞 倒 輾 過 , 司 機 不 顧 而 去 , 牠 痛 極 負 傷 躺 在 路 面 , 後 來 的 汽 車 再 將 牠 連 環 輾 過 。
流 浪 狗 見 狀 , 立 即 橫 越 三 條 行 車 線 , 險 遭 時 速 逾 160 公 里 的 汽 車 撞 倒 , 見 奄 奄 一 息 的 狗 狗 遭 車 輛 由 慢 線 撞 到 中 線 , 牠 更 加 快 腳 步 。 走 到 狗 狗 面 前 , 見 狗 狗 血 流 如 注 , 牠 左 右 四 盼 , 盼 望 好 心 人 伸 出 援 手 。 車 輛 不 斷 在 身 邊 飆 過 , 卻 沒 有 人 停 車 幫 忙 , 牠 失 望 不 已 , 手 口 並 用 將 同 伴 拖 到 快 線 的 路 壆 , 避 開 風 馳 電 掣 的 車 輛 , 可 惜 狗 狗 已 傷 重 死 亡 。
流 浪 狗 的 英 勇 行 為 , 被 公 路 的 閉 路 電 視 拍 下 , 早 前 在 當 地 一 個 電 視 台 播 出 , 感 動 萬 千 觀 眾 , 有 人 更 說 要 領 養 這 頭 驍 勇 的 流 浪 狗 , 片 段 在 YouTube 更 吸 引 逾 47 萬 人 次 收 看 , 有 網 民 感 慨 人 不 如 狗 , 因 為 狗 狗 不 會 用 核 武 或 進 行 種 族 屠 殺 。
美 聯 社 / 英 國 《 每 日 電 訊 報 》
Source: FOX News
'Hero Dog' Pulls Injured Friend From Oncoming Traffic
Footage from a traffic camera overlooking a busy freeway in Santiago, Chile captured a dog performing a heroic act — pulling an injured friend from oncoming traffic.
The video, from Azteca America Colorado, shows an injured dog lying in the middle of a freeway after being hit by a car, while a rescue dog dodges traffic to run to its side. The rescue dog then drags the severely injured canine across lanes of traffic as cars swerve around it.
No motorists stopped to help either dog, but a highway crew arrives at the end of the video.
The translation of the announcer is as follows:
"These images seen from the surveillance cameras show a very common situation with our overpopulated highways. It is normal for us to see dogs run over. In the video, we can see this dog fighting for his life because he was run over by the vehicle.
"What is very touching is to see the very heroic actions of this other dog who is trying to pull him to the side of the highway. We are going to keep seeing things like this until we find a solution to the dogs living on the streets."
Source: Associated Press
Little hope for Chile's highway hero dog
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Chilean officials say they have lost hope of finding a dog whose attempted rescue of an injured animal inspired worldwide admiration.
Jorge Rivas, operations manager for Vespucio Norte Highway in Santiago, said police and highway workers had searched for the dog several times, "but not any more."
He said too much time has passed since March 23, when a surveillance camera captured images of the apparently homeless dog pulling the body of another, injured dog through busy traffic to the relative safety of a freeway median strip. The other dog, which had been hit by vehicles, died.
Rivas said earlier reports that the incident happened on Dec. 4 were based on confusion with the date the image was first shown on local television.
Hundreds of thousands of people viewed the surveillance images on Web sites and television shows and Rivas said his agency received 15 calls over the weekend from people offering to adopt the dog.
Luis Serey, 59, a taxi driver who often uses the freeway, often says the video "was impressive. This dog is a hero. I hope he gets a new life, a home. He totally deserves it."
Broadcast of the images came on the heels of an animal welfare scandal in the Chilean capital, where officials raided an Animal Protection Society accused of mistreating and killing dogs and cats in its care. Four employees of the society face charges of animal abuse.
海豚公主的早班火車 ─ 生活‧食物戀的部落格
The Morning Train of Princess Dolphin Rita
dog pet animal hero chile hero dog saved peer friend dogs pets animals hero dog saving his peer road highway speed vehicle vehicles save life saving doggy doggies lives 狗狗救同伴 英雄狗狗勇救同伴 狗狗馬路救同伴 狗狗公路救同伴 小狗救同伴 狗救狗 智利英雄狗狗 英雄流浪狗